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Desktop and mobile games
Turkish word game for mobile. Shift columns to form new words and match all tiles to complete the level.
Geometric Patterns and Zeugma Mosaic Museum
Turkish educational mobile game about math topic of geometric patterns. Game takes players in a virtual tour of the mosaic museum of Zeugma.
Unity assets and Visual Studio extensions
Unity Code Assist
Unity Code Assist is an Unity asset, which improves your coding experience with Visual Studio. Coding for Unity projects becomes easier and more efficient and with fewer bugs.
Code Enchanter
Code Enchanter is an Unity asset. It aims to improve your application's performance and memory usage by enchanting the code. It automatically implements tips and guides from makers of Unity and game development professionals from all around the world.
Auto Input Manager
Auto Input Manager is an Unity asset. It makes input management easier by modifying scripts. It finds hard-coded input keys from the script files and makes them compatible with Unity's built-in input manager.
Pattern Maker
Pattern Maker is a Visual Studio extension. It applies software patterns on C# source code automatically. It refactors the code so that the classes implement certain paradigms. Pattern Maker doesn't just insert new code, it also transforms your code so that effects are reflected on your codebase.
Comment Jokes
Comments Jokes is a Visual Studio extension. It displays a joke just before you write your comment ^_^
Marvel Names
Marvel Names is a Visual Studio extension. It automatically names your fields, variables, methods etc. from the Marvel Universe!
Some notes about C# and Roslyn
Generating default values
When generating code, you may need to instantiate a variable or a parameter with some placeholder value (On my end, I needed to assign values of base class’s constructor parameters). The easiest solution will be using the default literal. Or if you want to be more traditional and support older C# versions, using 0 for value types (except structs) and null for reference types will give the same result. But these approaches have some issues with method overloading.
Symbols and types for dummies
Roslyn uses a lot of technical terms from programming language and compiler design. Sometimes it can be hard to understand or guess what a property retrieves or a method executes for regular coders. There is not enough samples in the documentation, not enough discussion in stackoverflow, or not a tool to debug or display semantic model and symbols; so I decided to write about symbols in the simplest form, as code snippets.
Making Visual Studio extension command visibility optional
So you are developing a Visual Studio extension which has some commands. And you want to make these commands’ visibility optional, so that the user can hide or display these commands based on her preference. Sounds pretty simple, right. Well, unfortunately it is anything but simple. Because it requires implementing multiple features just for one task, and these features are mostly unrelated.
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